Hiwin Welding Robot Featured Image Single

​​HIWIN’s welding robot is based on hardware and software that has been successful in the field for many years. Unlike other robot suppliers, HIWIN’s robots are manufactured with components from our own factories. Crossed roller bearings, Datorker ® strain wave gears, end effectors and motors are manufactured with precision quality and operate with easy to program software that comes with free lifetime upgrades. Combine this with welding specific components from leading brands like Lincoln, Miller or Binzell and you have a complete system that will successfully accomplish repetitive welding tasks over and over again.



  • Six Axis Standard
  • ​Up to 8 Axis with RTU and up to 2 additional Rotary Tables
  • Software and Software Updates included for the life of the robot
  • The specified welding unit can be purchased/sourced separately and delivered to Hiwin for integration


Hiwin Welding Robot Illustrated Specs Green

Item Description QTY Supplier
1 HIWIN Robot with GC controller and built in welding software 1 HIWIN
2 MIG Weld torch with standard Shock Sensor 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
3 Cable of weld torch 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
4 Wire feeder machine 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
5 Supporter for wire feeder 1 HIWIN
6 Cable of wire feeder 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
7 Wire spool 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
8 Supporter for Wire spool 1 HIWIN
9 Adaptor for Weld torch and HIWIN robot 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)
10 Welding power source (p/s) 1 HIWIN Technical Partner (Binzel, Lincoln Electric, Miller)

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